
“The course really helped me to find my voice and strength. Invaluable.”
Faye Steere, Actor, UK.

“Your theatre is extraordinary; there is something I can't explain there... It feels like a time suspended, somewhere between now and ancient Greece...the rocks were emanating their own power and beauty.”
Timberlake Wertenbaker, Playwright, UK.

“I learned more than I can express, grew as an artist and teacher and met wonderful people.”
Ashley Paige, Teacher, USA.

“I had a fantastic, life-changing two summers here...Everyone who went with me is constantly nostalgic for the amazing work we did, the great food we ate, and the incredible vistas”
Andrew Robinson, Actor, Canada

“I believe I recaptured my soul”
Jan Koene, Director & Actor, UK.

 “Hydrama was an incredible experience for me both as a director and actor but also as a person. I honestly think it's one of the best things I've ever done.”
Camilla Gürtler, Director & Actor, Denmark.

“We created magic”
Neha Poddar, Actor, India.

“I learned more about Greek theatre in three hours than I did in two semesters at college.”
Brytta Byers, Actor, USA

“An invaluable experience, especially our last (performance) night in Hydra.”
Ziad Abaza, Actor, Egypt.

“A beautiful, refreshing site for art and for the soul.”
Velina Hasu Houston, Playwright, USA.

"Do not miss this opportunity. do whatever you have to to be there!"
Brenda Addie, Actor & Director, Australia

"If you ever have the chance to experience this course, you should! It was nothing short of AMAZING! HYDRAMA!
Geir Thomassen, Actor, Norway

 “It’s difficult to explain the richness of this experience- I have been on the course twice and I still want to come back.”
Candida Ballario, Italy

“A magical place where creativity comes alive”
Perry Schneiderman, Theatre Director, Canada.

“Two amazing weeks. I felt Hydrama was my home and that you were all my friends - on a living bridge across cultures. Magical moments”
Galia Kovesh, Teacher, Israel

“I spent one of the best month's of my life here, studying Greek theatre, eating amazing Mediterranean food, and embracing Greek island life”
Naomi Amaha Gollnick, Student, USA.

“I can’t imagine a better summer abroad experience”.
Brian Walsh, Student, USA.

“Made my major come alive.”
Jim Hamilton, Classicist, USA.

“Every day we were challenging our bodies and minds”
Nina Arnus, Teacher, Slovenia.

“I dream of going there again and experiencing the dancing, the sunsets, the people.”
Þuríður Blær Jóhannsdóttir, Actor, Iceland

“A truly unique and inspirational experience”
AJ Laflamme, Stage Manager, Canada

"The best experience of my life. Miss it everyday”
Sarah Escorcia, Student, USA.

“Inspiring -the experience had a lasting and long-term effect on how I approach both my art and my life”
Joanna Swan, Actor, UK.

“Massive emotional amazing experience unlike anything else. Life changing for me ... to act underneath the Greek stars and feel the spirits of ancient Gods. You do, you do, trust me. Hydra and Hydrama have magic. ..Ruled by a Queen”.
Iris Wester, Teacher & Actor, Holland.
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